6 Ways homeowners can save money this summer

Published on Mon Oct 9 2017 in Money

Summer is on the way! Warmer weather can mean battling high electric and water bills, but there are steps savvy homeowners can take to ease the financial pain. Help keep your household budget under control with these six money saving tips.

1. Get a programmable thermostat
Reducing home energy use is the best way to make an impact on your bills. Programmable thermostats keep your home at a consistent temperature and helps the air conditioning unit run efficiently. You can also schedule temperature adjustments to ease energy usage when you’re not home. Though the initial cost of installation may be pricey, the savings you’ll see on your electricity bill will quickly add up!

2. Install ceiling fans 
If a thermostat upgrade is outside your budget, try installing ceiling fans instead. Fans help keep rooms breezy and cool in summer, and can help ease air con usage. Using a fan instead of or with the air con can help keep electricity bills low without sacrificing comfort.

3. Cook on the grill
Firing up the barbecue is a great way to keep your air conditioner from working overtime and your power bills low. The oven and stovetop radiate unwanted heat, increasing inside temperatures and tempting you to turn up the air con. Instead, move meal cooking outside as much as possible, or use a slow cooker, which generates far less heat.

4. Hang clothes to dry. 
Clothes dryers can quickly run up the electricity bill, especially for families. Take advantage of the summer sun and hang clothes to dry instead. If you must use the dryer, make sure it’s running as efficiently as possible. Spin clothes on a high-speed washer cycle to remove excess wate, separate clothes into heavy and lightweight materials, and remove lint buildup after every load for the best results.

5. Find and fix leaks
Water leaks waste water, and can result in a shockingly high water bill. Running toilets and leaky faucets are typical culprits, but broken sprinkler systems may also go unnoticed. Avoid a nasty surprise by regularly checking your plumbing and sprinklers for signs of a leak. Fixing issues as soon as possible can also help prevent bigger problems, such as mould or flooding.

6. Use a rain barrel in the garden
Cutting back on water use outside can also help save money. Getting help from Mother Nature is one way to do so. Rain barrels collect water from rain gutters, which can be stored and used to water plants during dryer periods.

Looking for other ways to save around the house? Try our money saving tips for families or ways to reduce your grocery bill



About Author: Momentum Life is a leading provider of Life insurance and Funeral insurance in New Zealand.

TAGS: saving tips, home,

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