Your privacy is very important to us and we are committed to upholding the highest standards when handling your personal information and protecting your privacy. This Privacy Policy may be updated from time to time and any amended privacy policy will be displayed at

During our relationship with you, we may tell you more about the way we handle your personal information (like when you complete an application or claim form). Please also consider this information carefully, as it might differ from the general privacy information set out below.

Your consent

When you provide your personal information to Momentum Life, you are consenting to the use of your information by us for the purposes set out in this Policy and in accordance with our obligations under this Policy, and under the Privacy Act 2020 and Health Information Privacy Code 2020.

Collecting your personal information

The information we collect about you and any other person connected to the policy (this includes any nominated beneficiaries, the policy owner and lives insured), directly or indirectly will depend upon the product or service you are applying for or using. This includes your contact details and, as applicable, the names, dates of birth and gender of those you are seeking to insure. For some insurance applications and some claims, it is necessary for us to collect sensitive information from the life to be insured or claimant related to their health, pastimes and occupation.

We collect information about you in a few ways:

  • During our quote and online purchase process;
  • Through claims forms; and/or
  • Over the telephone or email when you contact us, or we contact you
We generally record all telephone calls for business and training purposes.

Generally, we collect personal and health information directly from you. We may also collect your basic contact information from a third party, such as an adviser or list provider. Sometimes we collect your personal and health information from other third parties, such as your medical practitioner (in the event of a claim). We only collect your information from third parties with your consent or where permitted by law.

We may also collect information about you when you use our website to get a quote for cover or request information on a product or service.

If you are unsure where we first obtained your contact information, you may ask us to provide the source of that information.

Please note that if we are unable to collect the information we need to process an application or assess a claim, then the application or claim may not be accepted.


We may use ‘cookies’ which collect anonymous online web traffic data and track the movements of web users, to understand which pages on our website have been visited and how often, as well as to administer our website, for research or marketing purposes. Cookies do not record any personal information and are not used to identify you, but rather to identify your computer to our servers when you visit our website. Cookies cannot be programmed and cannot carry viruses however you can set your browser to refuse them.

Our website includes social media links and features, such as the Facebook Like button. These features may also collect your IP address, which page you are visiting on our site, and may set a cookie to enable the feature to function properly. Social media links and features are either hosted by a third party or hosted directly on our site. Your interactions with these features are governed by the privacy policy of the company providing them.

Using your personal information

We use the information we collect about you to sell you our products and services and, once you have chosen to join us, to provide you with insurance services, other relevant information and offers. For example, we may use your information to:

  • establish your identity or the identity of another life to be insured;
  • consider and assess your application for an insurance product;
  • administer and manage your policy;
  • assess your insurance claims;
  • contact you to administer your policy and ensure that the products you have and services you use are meeting your needs; or
  • comply with our legal obligations and any lawful requests from government agencies or regulators.

We may use your personal information for other lawful purposes related to the services we provide or where permitted or required by law.

Disclosing your personal information

We may share your personal information with third parties where this is permitted by law or required to meet the purposes set out above.

By providing us with personal information, you are consenting to us sharing some or all of the information we collect from you with third parties including:

  • any related organisation in order to assess your policy application and administer your policy or assess any claim under your policy;
  • organisations to which we outsource customer care or information technology in order to process your application;
  • organisations which provide us with research, analysis or other related services;
  • organisations which provide us with marketing services or electronic platforms via which we can communicate with you;
  • investigators, health professionals, lawyers, accountants, your adviser (if applicable), other insurers or reinsurers – in order to assess your application or claim;
  • the financial institutions you nominate in your application for the collection of your premium;
  • in the event of your death or incapacity, a life insured or nominated beneficiary named on your policy, the executor of your estate, or your adviser (if applicable); or
  • government regulatory or law enforcement agencies, as permitted by law.


We may use your contact details to send you information about other relevant products or services we think may be of interest to you.

To do this, we may disclose your personal information such as name and email address (but not sensitive information) with our service providers. We have strict confidentiality arrangements with any service provider we use for these purposes. If you do not wish to receive information on other products or services offered by Momentum Life please contact us.

Storage and security of your personal information

When you provide personal information to us online using forms on our website it is encrypted, so it cannot be read as it is transmitted over the internet between your browser and our server. The encrypted data is transmitted using a RSA 4096 bit certificate over a secure socket layer (SSL) connection. Certification of our online identity for this SSL connection is provided by a signed certificate from Go Daddy Secure Certificate Authority – G2.

Your information is stored on secure servers that are protected in controlled facilities in Australia and New Zealand and if we are using cloud-based services, we take all reasonable steps to ensure that your information is protected from loss and unauthorised access, use, modification, or disclosure. We regularly review our technology to ensure we are up-to-date with security threats.

Privacy training is a mandatory requirement for our staff and representatives, and we take data breaches extremely seriously. The procedures we have in place to protect your privacy include checking your identity when you call us, using secure passwords for our computer systems and hosting our website on secure servers.

All third party entities which are required to access your personal information are bound by strict confidentiality agreements.

We will retain your personal information until it is no longer required to provide you with insurance services or meet any other legislative requirements. This means that we may need to retain some of your personal information after you have ceased to be our customer.

Accessing and correcting your personal information


You have the right to ask us for a copy of any personal information we hold about you. You can only request information about yourself, unless you have the consent of other parties to request information on their behalf.

You can request your information by calling us on 0800 111 679, emailing us at, or writing to us at the address set out below. We must take steps to ensure that you are authorised to request the information. This will require us to verify your identity.

We prefer that you make requests in writing, particularly where you are requesting a copy of your health information. This is because your health information is particularly sensitive and we want to make sure we’re releasing it to the right person. It also helps us to make sure we understand your request fully. However, if you do not wish to make your request in writing, let us know.

The Privacy Act requires us to make a decision on your request, and convey this to you, within 20 working days of receiving it. However, we will respond to your request as soon as we can.

The Privacy Act permits us to withhold personal information in certain circumstances, such as where the information is commercially sensitive or legally privileged. If we decide to withhold information from you, we will tell you and explain why. You can challenge our decision following the steps set out below.

We are permitted to charge a reasonable fee to cover the costs of processing your request, including to compile, print or courier the information. If we intend to charge a fee, we’ll let you know before we process the request.


We strive to ensure that your personal information is accurate, up to date and complete. It is important that the information we rely on to administer your policy, particularly your contact information, is correct.

However, you can ask us to correct any information we hold about you that you believe is inaccurate. You can do this by calling us on 0800 111 679 or emailing us at

If we cannot correct your information, we’ll tell you why. In that case, you can ask us to attach your request to the information as a “statement of correction”.

Questions or concerns

If you have any questions, concerns or complaints regarding your privacy or the use of your information, please contact our Privacy Officer in the first instance and we’ll do everything we can to put matters right. You can contact us in the following ways:

We’ll endeavour to address your questions as quickly as possible. If you’re not satisfied with our response to your complaint, you may escalate it to the Office of the Privacy Commissioner:

  • Phone:   0800 803 909
  • Email:
  • Mail:      PO Box 10-094, The Terrace, Wellington 6143
  • Web:

Privacy laws

Momentum Life acts in accordance with the Privacy Act 2020 and The Health Information Privacy Code 2020.

Definitions in this privacy policy

‘Our’, ‘Us’, and ‘We’ refers to Momentum Life Limited (Company Number 5807730), trading as Momentum Life, of Tower 1, Level 7, 205 Queen Street Auckland CBD, Auckland 1010. ‘You’ refers to our customers and prospective customers. It also refers generally to users of our website.

‘Sensitive information’ relates to a person’s state of health, medical history, occupational duties, pastimes, racial or ethnic origin, financial, tax and credit status, membership of political bodies, religions or trade unions, sexual preferences and criminal record. Sensitive information is usually needed for life insurance applications and to manage claims. The way we use some sensitive information, such information about racial or ethnic origin or religion, is governed by law.